The current buzz word is ‘menopause’ .. and quite rightly so, for SO many reasons.
It’s hugely relevant to me right now as I’m full throttle in the middle of it, and today my thoughts move to exercise; something I have altered considerably along my own menopausal journey.
For so many midlife women, the stress of teenagers, looking after elderly parents; working and trying to fit in exercise (let along stick to it), is incredibly challenging.
I know so many exhausted, stressed women gaining midsection weight and wondering why the high intensity ‘beasting’ workouts they did in their 20’s and 30’s are having zero effect in their 40’s and 50’s. So what’s changed?
Hormones, specifically oestrogen declining and cortisol rising. Oestrogen helps dampen stress. Have you ever noticed things that don’t bother you when you’re younger start to give you an edge when you’re older? Anxiety can ramp up to spectacular levels and with it, cortisol, the body stress hormone, goes through the roof. Cortisol contributes to lack of sleep, low energy and overwhelm. Your mood can be foul and there’s little wonder exercise takes a back seat.
I find it amazing how engrained HIIT and long intensive workouts are in the peri/menopausal female psyche. How this is the only route to weight loss, stress relief and that ultimate feel good factor.. despite those aching joints and how exhausted you feel in general.
However..educating women about the science of menopause and switching up your workouts/lifestyle in response to changing hormones, can make a massive difference to both how you feel and your training results… here’s how..
- Changing HIIT to LIIT will help lower cortisol, reduce sleep disruption and so aid post workout recovery
- Including non impact functional strength training will really look after your bones and give you lean muscle tissue; ramping up a sluggish metabolism as well as that feel good factor you’ve been searching for.
- Including holistic sessions such as yoga/pilates/meditation and breathing exercises will destress and calm the nervous system, as well as providing you with a strong core/ healthy joints.
- Opting for shorter express workouts and variety is key to maintaining motivation and interest. Keep enjoying your workouts -work with a fun, qualified instructor who more importantly understands your needs.
- Drink plenty of water and include protein with your meals, make time for you and keep a journal of what works – how you feel and any results.
Lastly, enjoy the feeling a workout gives you, plan it in to your day then its more likely to become a habit.. what do you think?
Love Ginny