It’s Mental Health Awareness Week, so it seems very appropriate to highlight and share the mental and emotional side of menopause. I look at this photo and think yep, I can 100% identify with most of these symptoms; but one symptom which REALLY took a hold early on is the very devil itself -anxiety.

Anxiety of being able to get basic stuff done in the day, social anxiety of potentially seeing people (and not wanting to see people, which is ridiculous as I have lovely friends, so why wouldn’t I want to see them ?). as well as overwhelm with practically everything.. and the total loss of my usually quite jolly mojo..

I saw a lovely lady in our village today, we’ve been having regular menopausal chit chats, mainly about the mental health side of menopause, how draining it can be and how you can just totally lose interest in anything… then another lady walked by and I asked how she was, “bloody menopause” she said as she walked by…

I spoke with another two friends at the weekend, all with similar stories, and so it’s hugely important to talk .. have a network of friends where you feel you can reach out.. I really value these chats, it’s incredibly vital we support and help each other….

The good news is there is so much you can do, via lifestyle change and through the miracle of HRT (a game changer for me) I know HRT isn’t for everyone but lifestyle changes can ? make a massive difference to your mental health, try these:

✨Meditate – use an app or join a group.. It really helps you when that monkey on your shoulder starts whispering those anxious thoughts in your ear.

✨ EXERCISE !!! Do something daily to move your body and release endorphins.. it really makes a difference.

✨Work on your gut – Improve the gut-brain connection by eating plenty of veg, whole foods, increasing water intake, reducing red meat and stimulants will in turn help your mental health.

✨Dump toxic friends – weave in some daily ‘self care’. Learn to Say NO, it’s so liberating.

✨Look at your sleep – have a wind down routine.. READ

.✨DITCH YOUR PHONE – if you’re not in a great place, your phone addiction can be very toxic, and mentally destructive. ? it can really mess with your manga.. if sleep is scarce and anxiety is high, reduce the time you scroll..

What do you think? Let me know if this is helpful my friends, let’s keep talking..

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