YOU MAY BE THINKING… Why would I want, or maybe need to, adopt a more plant-based diet?
January is renowned as the month to abstain from alcohol, junk, indulgent foods and potentially go more plant based. Maybe you are even thinking of going all out for Veganuary – but are you clear on the reasons why this may be a good idea for your health?
I am absolutely passionate about whole foods and plant based nutrition; partly due to my upbringing – being surrounded by a multitude of homegrown fruit and veg, and being heavily involved in the process of planting, picking and harvesting. Not to mention eating… But also, from my parents who educated me into the massive health benefits of having these foods on a daily basis as part of my diet.
A diet very rich in fruits, veggies and whole-foods has been my life, I am not vegan but heavily veggie based. I eat meat very occasionally and reserve it as a treat. My interest in the benefits of eating plants took me to taking on some further education with a certificate in plant based nutrition from the ‘PLANT BASED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS UK’.
Written by expert medical specialists in their field – from women’s, bone, and cardiac health to specialists in obesity, diabetes, dementia and cancer… it was utterly fascinating and helped me be even more clear in my mission to help spread the word about the huge health benefits, (backed by huge scientifc study & research), into a more plant based approach to food.
Did you know.. A plant-based diet is the only diet that has been proven to reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, certain cancers and obesity.”There are virtually no nutrients in animal-based foods that are not better provided by plants.”‘ The China Study, T. Colin Campbell.
I would like to help you expand your plant based repetoire and make informed decisions about incorporating more plant based recipes into your diet. So, watch out for my plant based blog posts for health hacks, recipes and tips to start your plant based journey…